Honeybee Removals, Extractions, and Cutouts are a different ballgame! All those words mean the same thing; that you have a hive of bees inside a wall, soffit, attic, tree, under a shed, or inside something else (like that grill on the main page!)
They require specialized equipment and knowledge in order to do the job correctly. Most beekeepers are just that, beekeepers, not wildlife removal specialists. They can get the bees out but they can’t give you a comprehensive plan. That plan includes removing the bees, cleaning the area, sealing the area, and recommendations for sealing all other areas where bees might get in next time. We don’t want to do you a disservice by not protecting your home from future problems.
- Shook the above swarm…
- …into this box.
This slideshow shows some of the jobs we have completed recently in Edmond and OKC areas, from brand new colonies (lots of white comb) to decades old colonies living in abandoned houses (black comb).
All colonies were extracted successfully and most were transferred into their own boxes in order to do what they do best! Sometimes hives need to be combined with existing colonies to ensure their survival after removals. If you have a hive in your home we highly recommend having a comprehensive plan instead of ‘just removing the bees’.